GK «Titan» personnel policy is based on a thesis that a company’s prosperity is firstly build on people working in it, that's why we create conditions for all personnel to achieve the highest professional qualification by realizing their personal potential, provide guarantees of social protection of our.
We believe that our specialists is the most valuable company resource and our main competitive advantage.
Conditions for attraction and holding high-qualified specialists in the company;
Conditions that allows the realization of creative and intellectual potential of each employee;
Progressive corporate culture and effective motivation system.

- collective work is based on openness and mutual respect, which promotes the maximum possible realization of the creative potential of each employee;
- a team working skill and commitment to the values of the company.
- company politics provides an opportunity of realizing individual potential considering personal interests, abilities, experience and wishes, for all employees and, ergo, promotes professional and career employees’ progress.
- respectable work awards in combination with successful company work
- integration of strategy of human resources management into strategy of company progress. Every employee from the head to the rank of performer knows, what by working for company goods he also works for his own goods.
- the type of succession when the best experience and knowledge of olders became the wealth of youth, and respectful attitudes became a norm of behaviour.
- compliance with the requirements of legislation and corporate principles of work. We strictly abide by the civil rights of workers defined by the laws of the Russian Federation and strive to provide a healthy and safe working environment, which means compliance with labor and safety legislation, as well as internal standards of the company.